The Election of the Party Committee of the Accounting College was Completed.

Publisher:会计学院英文网Release time:2019-10-29Number of visits:208

The election of the party committee of the accounting college was completed.

On the afternoon of October 23, 2019, the Party Member Conference of the Accounting College of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology was successfully held in the classroom of 6 Jiaobei 102. Zhu Bin, deputy secretary of the school party committee, attended the meeting as an ordinary party member. All the teachers and students of the college attended the meeting. The relevant staff of the school party committee organization department came to the guidance.

The conference reviewed and approved the work report of Comrade Xu Bing, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Accounting, who is working hard to develop, and not forgetting the new chapter of the initial score. The “Election Method of the Party Member Conference of the Accounting College of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology” was reviewed and approved. The list of directors, scrutineers and tellers was introduced, and the list of candidates for the Party Committee and the Disciplinary Committee of the new accounting college was introduced. After secret ballot and differential elections, the conference elected Xu Bing, Xiao Zuoping, Jia Yong, Su Zhongqin, Jia Pengfei, Yi Yanxin, Xie Huili and other seven comrades as members of the new party committee of the School of Accounting, and elected Jia Pengfei, Niu Feng, Yang Ying, Luo Chunhua, Cheng Ying and other five comrades are members of the Disciplinary Committee.

At the first plenary meeting of the subsequent party committee, Xu Bing was elected as the party secretary of the college, and Jia Pengfei and Xiao Zuoping were elected as deputy secretaries of the party committee of the college, and discussed the division of labor of the party committee members; the first plenary meeting of the disciplinary committee was held. Elected Jia Pengfei as the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the college and determined the division of labor.